Our Test Event

To test the software, students from Auburn and UAB converged for a test event yesterday. The photos below show them playing the games and staging the “challenge” photos. The test event game allowed each team to make seven moves. The graphic to the left shows the final placement of pieces after each team had 5 turns. See the full set of photos from the event on FLICKR.

Determining where to play on the grid

A successful challenge photo: 318, flee, crazy

Setting up the challenge photo for Walkway, Creep, and Friendly

Successful challenge photo taken with the Sidekick camera phone

4 Responses to Our Test Event

  1. UAB Tech Guy says:

    Great Job Everyone!!!
    Curtis, did you use 3 or 4 minute segments?

  2. Nastily says:

    Man, it looks like an awesome test run. How many teams do you have for the actual event?

  3. DW – we upped it to 10 minute segments since it often took 4 minutes just to make the trek to the desired location

  4. N – we should field at least 6 but I’m hoping for a larger number. T-Mobile has agreed to provide at least 8 units so that we can run 4 simultaneous games at a time.

    R U in? You could miss at least ONE film, couldn’t you? :0)

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